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Volkswagen Caddy 2006Г. 1.6 Bgu , Адаптация Рулевой Колонки


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Basic Setting

Sensor for Steering Angle (G85)

Important Note: This applies only for Models with Conti/Teves MK70 ABS/ASR. For Conti/Teves MK60 ABS/ASR/ESP look at Vehicle specific specific Procedures in ABS System documentation.


• Start the vehicle.

• Turn the steering wheel one turn to the right and one turn to the left.

• Drive in a short distance straight line on a level surface at a speed not higher than 20 km/h.

• If the steering wheel is straight during the test drive then stop the vehicle with the wheels pointed straight.

• Ensure that the steering wheel is not moved again.

• Keep the engine running and do not switch off the ignition.

• System voltage at least 12.0 V.


[44 - Steering Assist]

[Coding-II - 11] or if that function is not available then use [sec.Access - 16] instead

Enter 40168, to enable the basic setting.

[Do it!]

[basic Settings - 04]

Group 060


Activate the Basic Setting.


After a successful basic setting, field 1 should say "OK".

[Done, Go Back]

To make sure the basic setting was succesful, check the sensor again.

[Measuring Blocks - 08]

Group 007


Check field 1, the value has to be between -1.5 and +1.5 °.

[Done, Go Back]

[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Note: After successful basic setting, the Steering Limit Stop needs to be adapted too.


Special Procedures

Steering Limit Stop Adaptation

(Engine still running)

• Center steering wheel (±10°) and hold it centered for 5 seconds.

• Turn steering wheel completely to the left and hold it there for a second.

• Turn steering wheel completely to the right and hold it there for a second.

• Center steering wheel (±10°).

• Switch OFF engine and ignition.

• Switch ON ignition.

• Wait 5 seconds.

• Steering Assist Warning Lamp should turn OFF. If it doesn't, perform a short test drive.


Checking Steering Torque Sensor (G269)


• Ignition ON

• Engine ON (Idle)

• System voltage at least 11.0 V.


[01 - Engine]

[Meas. Blocks - 08]

Group 001


Field 2: Steering Torque Sensor (G269)

Turn the Steering Wheel multiple times completely to the left and right. The Torque Values should change.

If the Torque Values do change, it's most likely an intermittent Fault in the Wiring/Connectors.

If the Torque Values do NOT change, the Sensor itself or the Power Supply (Terminal 15) might be faulty.

Group 004


Field 2: Power Supply (Terminal 15), Specification: "Term. 15 ON"

[Done, Go Back]

[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

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