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Volkswagen T-5 Мультивен


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Добрый день!Притащили Т-5 2007г двигатель VR6 код неисправности 16705 Р0321-008 датчик коленвала прозванивал,ипульсы четкие без помех.Авто может завестись но не надолго и заглохнет.Подскажите пожалуйста ,может нарушено газораспределение пробег 114000км.Всем спасибо за внимание.


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Computers and Control Systems: Component Tests and General Diagnostics

Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor, Checking

Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor, Checking


The Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor -G28- detects engine speed and reference marks. Without an engine speed signal, the engine will not start. If the

engine speed signal fails while the engine is running, the engine will stop immediately.

Recommended special tools and equipment

- V.A.G 1526 multimeter or V.A.G 1715 multimeter

- V.A.G 1594 connector test kit

- Wiring diagram

Test requirements

- Ground (GND) connections between engine and chassis must be OK.

- Ignition switched off.

Test sequence

- Disconnect gray 3-pin harness connector (arrow) to Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor -G28-.

- Measure sensor resistance between terminals 2 + 3 at connector to sensor.

Specified value: 480 to 1000 Ohms

- Check sensor for short circuit between terminals 1 + 2 as well as 1 + 3.

Specified value: infinite Ohms

If specified values are obtained:

- Check wiring.

If specified values are not obtained:

- Replace Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor -G28-.

- Erase DTC memory of Engine Control Module (ECM), Diagnostic mode 4: Reset/erase diagnostic data. See: Scan Tool Testing and

Procedures/With Generic Scan Tool/Diagnostic Mode 4: Reset/Erase Diagnostic Data

- Generate readiness code.

Checking wiring

- Connect test box to control module wiring harness, connect test box for wiring test. See: Reading and Clearing Diagnostic Trouble

Codes/Scan Tool Connecting/Test Box, Connecting For Wiring Test

- Check wires between test box and 3-pin connector for open circuit according to wiring diagram.

Terminal 1 + socket 108

Terminal 2 + socket 90

Terminal 3 + socket 82

Wire resistance: max. 1.5 Ohms

- Also check wires for short circuit to each other.

Specified value: infinite Ohms

If no malfunctions are found in wires:

- Remove sensor and check sensor wheel for secure fit, damage, and run-out.

NOTE: There is a larger-sized gap on the sensor wheel. This gap is the reference mark and does not mean that the sensor wheel is


If nothing seems to be wrong with the sensor wheel:

- Replace Motronic Engine Control Module (ECM) -J220-.

  В 02.09.2009 в 12:05, Shapovalov сказал:


Computers and Control Systems: Component Tests and General Diagnostics

Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor, Checking

Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor, Checking


The Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor -G28- detects engine speed and reference marks. Without an engine speed signal, the engine will not start. If the

engine speed signal fails while the engine is running, the engine will stop immediately.

Recommended special tools and equipment

- V.A.G 1526 multimeter or V.A.G 1715 multimeter

- V.A.G 1594 connector test kit

- Wiring diagram

Test requirements

- Ground (GND) connections between engine and chassis must be OK.

- Ignition switched off.

Test sequence

- Disconnect gray 3-pin harness connector (arrow) to Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor -G28-.

- Measure sensor resistance between terminals 2 + 3 at connector to sensor.

Specified value: 480 to 1000 Ohms

- Check sensor for short circuit between terminals 1 + 2 as well as 1 + 3.

Specified value: infinite Ohms

If specified values are obtained:

- Check wiring.

If specified values are not obtained:

- Replace Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor -G28-.

- Erase DTC memory of Engine Control Module (ECM), Diagnostic mode 4: Reset/erase diagnostic data. See: Scan Tool Testing and

Procedures/With Generic Scan Tool/Diagnostic Mode 4: Reset/Erase Diagnostic Data

- Generate readiness code.

Checking wiring

- Connect test box to control module wiring harness, connect test box for wiring test. See: Reading and Clearing Diagnostic Trouble

Codes/Scan Tool Connecting/Test Box, Connecting For Wiring Test

- Check wires between test box and 3-pin connector for open circuit according to wiring diagram.

Terminal 1 + socket 108

Terminal 2 + socket 90

Terminal 3 + socket 82

Wire resistance: max. 1.5 Ohms

- Also check wires for short circuit to each other.

Specified value: infinite Ohms

If no malfunctions are found in wires:

- Remove sensor and check sensor wheel for secure fit, damage, and run-out.

NOTE: There is a larger-sized gap on the sensor wheel. This gap is the reference mark and does not mean that the sensor wheel is


If nothing seems to be wrong with the sensor wheel:

- Replace Motronic Engine Control Module (ECM) -J220-.

Конкретно всё для юзера написано! :tabjaza:


"Авто может завестись но не надолго и заглохнет"

Недолго - это сколько? Если несколько секунд - возможно виноват иммобилайзер


Если имобилайзер то ошибки по нему будут Посмотри осцилографом чего нет при прокрутке когда не заводится

и тряси хозяев при каких обстоятельствах все произошло Они как партизаны любят молчать до последнего

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