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  1. VWZ2Z2W1502735 --> Бан!!!
  2. Hi, Read here how to make coding http://wiki.ross-tech.com/index.php/Audi_A...llroad_%284B%29 BR
  3. Hi Error about you write is OBD error P0226 My error is VAG error - 0226 Start of injection is above of default value BR
  4. Hi, Any info about this error and how to repair it: Audi A6 1999 2,5 TDI V6 Engine AFB Car start but when driving have limit of 3500 rpm and in engine ECU is writed error 0226 Regards
  5. Hi, Change dump in MCU. Remove or disconnect immo box BR
  6. Hi, How many errors are writed on display? BR
  7. Try this and report BR clear.rar
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