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Hyundai Sonata 2.0L

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G 2.0 DOHC > Engine > Engine Control > P0133 HO2S-Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 / Sensor 1)


Air Leakage Inspection


Visually/physically inspect the following items:

-Vacuum hoses for splits, kinks and improper connections.

-Exhaust system between HO2S and Three way catalyst for air leakage

-EVAP system for leakage

-PCV hose for proper installation

2. Was a problem found in any of the above areas?


▶ Repair as necessary and go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


▶ Go to next step as below


Visual / Physical Inspection


1. Visually/physically inspect the following items:

-Check for corrosion on terminals

-Check for terminal tension ( at the HO2S and at the ECM)

-Check for damaged wiring

-Check the HO2S ground circuit for a good connection

-Check front and rear HO2S for connections being reversed.

2. Was a problem found in any of the above areas?


▶ Repair as necessary and go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


▶ Go to next step as below


Component Inspection

1. Visually/physically inspect the following conditions:

-Ensure that the HO2S is securely installed.

-Silicon contamination. This contamination will be indicated by a white powdery coating on the portion of the sensor exposed to the exhaust stream and this will result in a but false(high) voltage signal

-Fuel, engine coolant or oil contamination

-Use of improper sealant

-If contamination is evident on the HO2S, Fix the source of the sensor contamination before replacing the sensor to prevent future contamination. Go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure.

2. Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature and let it idle.

3. Connect Scantool and monitor the O2 SNSR VOL.-B1/S1 parameter on the Scantool data list.

A. Specification : Refer to "Signal Waveform & Data" in the "General Information" procedure.

Verify signal is switching from rich(above 0.45V) to lean(below 0.45V) a minimum of 3 times in 10 seconds (voltage will vary between 0.1 and 0.9V) at idle.


4. Is sensor switching properly?


▶ Check for poor connection between ECM and component: backed out terminal, improper mating, broken locks or poor terminal to wire connection. Repair as necessary and go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


▶ Check HO2S for contamination, deterioration, or damage. Substitute with a known-good HO2S and check for proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace HO2S and then go to "Verification of Vehicle Repair" procedure


Если все процедуры не помогают ,то нужно искать место утечки выхлопных газов в районе первого ДК


Сори , ошибся , написал по коду Р0133




Вот информация по Р1330


Код означает, что провод используется для регулировки времени в процессе изготовления был заземлен, которая на самом деле то, что сделано, чтобы вернуться на базу двигателя сроки без каких-либо корректировок. Этот провод проходит между вспомогательный разъем и трансмиссии модуля управления (РСМ).

Чтобы проверить это, отключите PCM и проверить сопротивление между желтый / черный провод в контакта 3 многоцелевой разъем проверки (белый разъем рядом с разъемом OBD-II) и хорошей земли. Если сопротивление менее 1000 Ом, ваша проводка где-то замкнут на металле автомобил

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