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  1. E59B LQFP80 = 68hc11ks4 E59B 68QFP = 68hc11ka4
  2. you've secured the chip the first byte of the eeprom is option register, do not write 0 to this byte! ---------------------------------- This register (OPTR), located at $0100 (offset 0), contains the secure and protect functions for the EEPROM and allows the user to select options in a non-volatile manner. The contents of the OPTR register are loaded into data latches with each power-on or external reset. (1) This register is implemented in EEPROM; therefore reset has no effect on the individual bits. SEC – Security bit This high security bit allows the user to secure the EEPROM data from external accesses. When the SEC bit is at ‘0’, the EEPROM contents are secured by preventing any entry to test mode. The only way to erase the SEC bit to ‘1’ externally is to enter self-check mode, at which time the entire EEPROM contents will be erased. When the SEC bit is changed, its new value will have no effect until the next external or power-on reset you may break protection by powering the chip Vdd=2.7V instead 5V but this will work with some 68hc05b masksets only
  3. 0h95b maskset = 68hc11ks2 check pinouts and connections (check oscillator pin numbers, Vdd and Vss) do not use test connection option select oscillator frequency manuel (not auto)
  4. UPA-USB supports CR16MCT9V tested CR16MCT9V 2005 Volvo V70 airbag
  5. mento

    Fiat Marea Kg4

    If you've already read successfully the eeprom: 1. Read Config register located ad 3Fh and check Bit0 and Bit1 - they must be '1' 2. Increase eeprom write time if your programmer has such option 3. try with another programmer
  6. http://www.helpandmanual.com/ Last version is 4.1
  7. UPA-USB supports BDM locked 68hc912 chips by an 78K0/HC912 adapter (old BDM lockout disable adapter) 99% of 68hc912 are not BDM locked at all More about UPA-USB: http://oktja.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=17074
  8. mento


    why don't you try with another programmers- upa, mot. cracker ...
  9. use a programmer that supports TC87101/2 Read as TC87102 x8 bytes
  10. mento


    Quartz 4MHz!!!
  11. upа & upa-usb читает 100%, (7)05Е6 защита нет
  12. upa 2.3 & upa-usb
  13. Protected MCU
  14. try to change qurtz with 20MHz one, but read as 4MHz
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