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Сообщения, опубликованные zlix1

  1. Radio worked before battery was disconnected. If you sure about corrupt dump - give me correct one, I will try. If it will be successfully - my compliments and big thanks. I tryed 3 simular - no good. I think - it's same trouble, like a clock for audi A4 after 00. Eprom dump is depended from processor mask. Not possible to use dump from other device.


    PS - car is sold, new owner promise me - if he get code from dilers - I'll be informed.

    " Eprom dump is depended from processor mask. Not possible to use dump from other device." I think same this

    so you have better idea without solder de-solder eeprom 1000 times >?

    I have read private mail

  2. @Jovgensolo ,by my opinion your dump is corrupt try find it manually by hands and you will see ,or use dump from Kroka and tell us what is result with it


    My dump is Ok 100 procents. I tryed Krokas dump - not working. Radio was worked before battery was disconnected.


    What you mine - "manually"? 4 digits - it's 1000 variants :) 1000 times to solder and resolder eprom to reset counter? :tatice_03: Funny think. Timewasher job :)

    ok ,3 favour I ask you @Jevgenslo ,did you solved code from this dump clear yes /no , 2. do you need help to solve it ? ,3 how shore can you be that your dump is not corrupt 100/100 or less ? :pardon:

  3. Я так понимаю подцепить только CAN, и что дльше...

    Мне подсказали что нужно в епроме почистить старый вин и сделать его новым, тогда можно делать адаптацию.

    В каком епроме,там несколько, в каком виде там вин Аааа????


    VIN там не играет только код утверждение в моделях мы видим сейчас, так что это шоу для вас :tatice_03:

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