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Весь контент Marian

  1. Try this БАН
  2. Thx, but this not help me. I need dump BCU 68HC11PH8 + ECU 93C66 from one car. My dump in BCU is dead.
  3. Pls, I need dump from Dash+BCU. Thx.
  4. Marian

    Renault 2003

    Renault Scenic, JC 93C56
  5. Hi, from #02C8 to #03FF - FF regards
  6. OK?
  7. Marian

    Lancia Lybra

    Lancia Lybra HC11KG4 y2000 Pls, where is RESET testpoint in dash? regards
  8. Rio, nuznie *.dll u teba v PM. :PIVO
  9. mail sent
  10. I have original from www.opelinfo.com
  11. This is old version 1.5 or 1.6 (25.4.2006), i have version 1.81 (19.9.2006)
  12. Hello. Pls i need Renault Autoliv 601 05 50 00, 8200246182F ACU4 dump. eeprom ST95160 with or without crash data. My dump is from #770 to #791 cleared Thanx. Maros
  13. BINGO :)
  14. Try #12A - #141 =00, #142 - #1D1 = FF
  15. Try $040 - $11F = FF BR, Marian
  16. ECU 1.9 TDI EDC 15 SKODA OCTAVIA 2002 95984km, PIN 2331 Enjoy
  17. Marian

    Alfa Romeo 156

  18. AirBag VW3 need use software PCDVW39.EXE or VagProg
  19. Hello, try this dump. 0285001396-0J38M-clear2.bin Marian
  20. Problema s prosivkoi - внутренняя ошибка блока. PS Cechy i Slovakii rozdelili, no tolko politicesky.
  21. Kogda Ti poedes okolo Bratislava, napisi, pojdjom na :PIVO ;) Best regards Marian
  22. Thank you, Rio :PIVO PS Ja iz Bratislava, Ti mas u menja :PIVO ;) BR Marian
  23. pls, i need delete crash data. Mazda 323 BP4 K57 K30 C BOSCH 0 285 001 554 eeprom 95080 THX
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